Elizabeth Anne Middleton

Elizabeth Anne Middleton
Playing piano my joy and passion

Saturday, November 9, 2013

Sunday, November 3, 2013

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Sunday, October 27, 2013


Invite the spirits of water and sunlight into the water, in a blue glass bottle (I found mine at the downtown Santa Barbara Marshall's store).

Leave the bottle sitting in sunshine for several hours. I like to leave mine overnight when there's a full moon, just for the heck of it.

Just a few drops of blue water added to a glass of water adds health-supporting vitality - water as nature intended.

You can search YouTube for blue water; I got this philosophy from the YouTube talks by Dr. Hew Lin, who teaches Ho'oponopono, which is a subject for another blog posting :-)

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Thursday, October 17, 2013


Yesterday I unexpectedly received a beautiful bouquet of flowers from my landlord.

Thank you, ZestRadioShow!

Check out @ZestRadioShow's Tweet: https://twitter.com/ZestRadioShow/status/390158543510179840

Sunday, October 13, 2013

Monet's Boats framed

Here is the other framed collage (see post below re: Lovebirds). I wanted the frames to be artsy and whimsical, like the collages ... not too serious! I do these for fun.

Some of the images came from an old calendar of Monet's paintings of boats, but the water and light reminds me of Santa Barbara.

Lovebirds collage framed.

I have finally got two of my bigger - 32" x 40" - collages framed. I found some some oak molding in a thrift store, a friend who has the tools and skills made the frames for me in exchange for Reiki healing sessions. Then I painted them.

So happy.

Lightning in the dark sky, distant sounds of ominous thunder while the golden wheat is ripe for harvest
