Elizabeth Anne Middleton

Elizabeth Anne Middleton
Playing piano my joy and passion

Thursday, August 12, 2010

My music now on last fm internet radio

I hope you all get a chance to check this out!  I've been trying to figure out all day how to link up with Amazon.com in order to sell MP3 tracks, but oh, well, another day.  At least you can listen to the music to your heart's content here.  One of these days I'll figure out how to make it easy for people to download to their own computers, too.  Promise.


Posted via email from PIANORAMA

Thursday, August 5, 2010


Did you know that buckwheat is not actually a wheat grain?  Buckwheat is a remarkable seed of a plant belonging to - of all things - the rhubarb family.  It is chock full of nutrients; in fact one of those almost "perfect" foods, very digestible and a wonderful addition to the diet of folks who are sensitive to wheat.  In the past I was able to find raw organic hulled buckwheat in the bulk section of a local health food market.  Now, it seems the only buckwheat they have is the toasted kind, or what is called "kasha."
So now, I go online - where else? - and it shows up in 5-lb coffee-can type containers on my doorstep.  I also buy organic rice drink from Trader Joe's and raw organic almonds from the local farmers' market.
Here's the recipe:
Soak a cup of raw hulled organic buckwheat groats in just enough filtered water to barely cover them - they begin to sprout overnight!  Then the container goes in                                     the fridge.  Also soak a cup of raw organic almonds.

Strain and and set aside: 1/4 cup of soaked buckwheat and 4 or 5 soaked almonds
Pour into blender:  

1 & 1/2 cups rice milk, coconut milk or hemp milk   

two fruits, such as:
1 red delicious apple cut into bite-size chunks
1 orange or other fruit cut into bite-size chunks
1 banana cut into bite-size chunks
1/4 cup blueberries or other berries 

Buckwheat and almonds

Cinnamon, ground cloves, ground nutmeg, ground ginger or whatever spices desired

Supplements such as Vitamin C powder or green powder                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Blend until frothy and enjoy!

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Campaign for Safe Cosmetics and Chemicals of Concern

Learn about a few of the top ingredients and contaminants to avoid, based on the science linking each to adverse health impacts, and they types of products they're found in. To learn more about how chemicals impact your health and where they come from, check out the Your Body, Your Health section.

For each of the chemicals included in this section, a growing body of hazard-based evidence suggests connections to long-term health concerns like cancer and reproductive problems.

These are just a very few examples of the 10,500 ingredients used in personal care products. To learn more about other chemicals, visit EWG's Skin Deep database of cosmetic products and ingredients.

Annie Leonard has a new film called The Story of Cosmetics (toxics in and toxics out!). If you haven't seen her first film, The Story of Stuff, just google it and you'll find it - very thought provoking and worth taking a few minutes to watch. Her latest film really made me take a second look at the labels on some of the things I keep in my bathroom and use every day, things like shampoo and body lotion! Check out EWG's Skin Deep database - you will be surprised at the toxins you'll find in those products you might be using every day - even on your children and babies!

Posted via email from PIANORAMA

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Liquid Gold

A wonderful video by Globalbeat, describing a trip inside ourselves, a vision of universal harmony.

Posted via web from PIANORAMA

Friday, May 21, 2010

Thursday, May 20, 2010


Here is an amazing performance by Lang Lang of Liszt's Hungarian Rhapsody #2.  Enjoy the fireworks!

Posted via web from PIANORAMA