Elizabeth Anne Middleton

Elizabeth Anne Middleton
Playing piano my joy and passion

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Speaking of Weddings . . .

Speaking of Weddings
My first wedding was in a Lutheran church - full of people, me wearing long white dress and veil, groom, best man and groomsmen in tuxedos, maid of honor, bridesmaids, flower girl, ring bearer, music, flowers - the whole nine yards.  A reception with wedding cake, tons of food, towers of gifts and hordes of people followed.   A week's long honeymoon in the Colorado mountains followed the wedding.
My second wedding was in a Congregational church in Boston (which burned to the ground a year to the day later), me wearing a pea green miniskirted dress, with the minister officiating and one witness.  My husband, his sister and I then enjoyed an excellent dinner with plenty of champagne at a restaurant with a revolving view of Boston Harbor.
My third (and last) wedding was in a garden in Santa Barbara, me wearing a forest green flowing hippie style pants and a (definitely hippie style) green top; my husband-to-be might have been wearing running shorts for all I remember.  A woman minister (Verna Yater) officiated and a few close friends attended.   Afterward, for a honeymoon, we drove to the beach, sat in my husband's car, and watched the ocean for a little while.  We went home and ate baked potatoes.
I've played for lots of weddings; from pipe organs in big Catholic Churches to grand pianos in churches and resorts to keyboards in outdoor tents and seen all kinds of individual styles of ceremonies; one couple boogied out the door while I played and the singer belted out "Stand by Me."  Of course nowadays we see all sorts of things on YouTube; anything goes.

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